American Democracy Project

The American Democracy Project is a multi-campus initiative that seeks to create an intellectual and experiential understanding of civic engagement for undergraduates enrolled at institutions that are members of the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. The goal of the project is to produce graduates who understand and are committed to engaging in meaningful actions as citizens in a democracy. The American Democracy Project is co-sponsored by AASCU and the New York Times and includes nearly 200 AASCU institutions.

At Indiana State, ADP engages students in democracritc life in a host of ways. With its targeted political engagement programming, field trips, and institutional-level engagement efforts such as developing and implementing the Campus Vote Plan, ADP is at the center of electoral and democratic engagement at Indiana State. Specific programs include voter registration efforts, invited speakers, presidential debate watches, State of the Union Tweet-Ups, hosting local candidate forums, and many more such events.

Civic engagement or civic participation is any individual or group activity addressing issues of public concern. Citizens acting alone or together to protect public values or make a change or difference in the community are common types of civic engagement.


Political Campaigning on Campus

Voter Registration - The University has guidelines for University-Sponsored voter registration drives. These guidelines are attached. If a student organization or department is planning a campus-wide registration drive we ask them to abide by these guidelines to try to ensure the integrity of the drive and make sure that students are actually getting registered.  Organizations that are interested in voter registration should consider working with the American Democracy Project. ADP registers voters through the on-line platform, TurboVote.

Candidates, campaign volunteers, and other individuals/organizations cannot be prohibited from registering students to vote.  They do not have to have our permission or abide by our guidelines.  Students should understand that there is some risk associated with registering to vote through an individual or organization that is not associated with the University. The University cannot ensure that registration forms completed with outside organizations will be submitted.

Campaigning - Candidates and campaign volunteers, including those not associated with campus, can campaign on campus in public spaces, including outdoor areas and common areas in classroom buildings and other buildings.  Volunteers can engage in conversation, distribute printed materials, solicit volunteers, register voters, make informal speeches, and engage in other behavior that we allow in public spaces, so long as they abide by university policies and procedures. Campaign activities are not allowed in Residence Halls.

Candidates that would like to schedule a table in HMSU or Dede Plaza must be associated with a student organization. This guideline is consistent with the University’s practice of only allowing student organizations to schedule tables at these locations.

Campaign flyers and printed materials can be posted on bulletin boards or other areas that are available for public posting. Banners and table tents in the Commons or other University venues that support a specific candidate or party are prohibited.  Chalking is allowed on flat, horizontal outdoor spaces that are not under cover.  Water soluble chalk must be used.

Campaign yard signs are prohibited on campus.



Electioneering (from the 2020 Indiana Election Day Handbook) - State law defines “electioneering” as expressing support or opposition to any candidate or political party or expressing approval or disapproval of any public question in any manner that could reasonably be expected to convey support or opposition to another individual. “Electioneering” includes wearing or displaying an article of clothing, sign, button, or placard that states the name of any political party or includes the name, picture, photograph, or other likeness of any currently elected federal, state, county, or local official. A person who commits electioneering within the polls or the chute commits a Class A misdemeanor. “Electioneering” does not include any materials a voter may bring with them into the voting booth to assist them with voting. While a poll worker may ask that a voter remove or cover-up the “electioneering” items, a voter who does not comply with the request does not lose their right to vote. The person should be offered a regular ballot, if otherwise qualified. However, poll workers may file a complaint with the county election board, which could result in a class A misdemeanor prosecution.

The first floor of the Hulman Memorial Student Union, including the commons, is considered the chute for the ISU Vote Center.  Electioneering is prohibited at the ISU Vote Center, including within HMSU, on Election Day.

Voter Interference and Intimidation – Federal law protects an individual’s right to enter the chute, wait in line to enter the vote center and vote without interference.  Candidates and their volunteers, members of the ISU community, and the general public are prohibited from interfering with voters by questioning them about their registration status or knowledge or preference of candidates, recommending voters go to a different vote center, or offering refreshments or other enticements for voters to stay in line. Campaigns and individuals are discouraged from coming to the ISU Vote Center with the intention of engaging, supporting or other interfering with voters. 

Campaign Events  - Candidates that would like to schedule any University venue for an event should be directed to Conference and Event Services.

TurboVote Information

Turbovote makes voting easy! They make sure you always know when elections are happening, and have the information you need to vote with confidence. 

Sign up to receive election reminders, get registered to vote, & apply for your absentee ballot:







  • 1/15 @ 9am-12pm: MLK Day of Service (We are celebrating twice this year due to classes starting on 1/16)
    Location: Across Terre Haute
    Description: Service across our community to celebrate MLK Day

  • 1/18 @ 10am-2pm: MLK Day of Service
    Location: Across Terre Haute (As well as meal
    Description: Service across our community to celebrate MLK Day including Meal Packing in DEDE III

  • 1/22 M @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 1/22 M @5-6: ADP Real Talk
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 1/24 W @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick Community service project kit.

  • 1/29 M @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 1/29 M @11-1: MATTERS OF STATE (MLK Celebration)
    Location: Tirey Hall
    Description: Celebrate MLK Day with refreshments and a movie

  • 1/31 W @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.


  • 2/5 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 2/5 @5-6: ADP Real Talk
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 2/5 @8-3: Day at the Statehouse 2024
    Location: Indianapolis
    Description: Meet local and state government representatives while visiting the Indy Statehouse

  • 2/7 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.

  • 2/12 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 2/14 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.

  • 2/19@11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 2/19 @6-8: ADP MATTERS OF STATE
    Location: DEDE 2
    Description: Celebrate Black History Month and hear from guest presenters

  • 2/21 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.

  • 2/26 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 2/28 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.


  • 3/4 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 3/4 @5-6: ADP Real Talk
    Location: HMSU
    Description: General biweekly meeting for ADP (Anyone invited)

  • 3/6 @9-2: Human Rights Day
    Location: HMSU
    Description: A day to learn about human rights and hear from guest presenters

  • 3/6 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.

  • 3/18 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 3/19 @6-8: MATTERS OF STATE
    Location: DEDE 2
    Description: Celebration for women’s history month focused on statistics of missing black women

  • 3/25 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 3/27 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.


  • 4/1 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 4/1 @5-6: ADP Real Talk: Elections. ALL Positions
    Location: Tirey Hall
    Description: General meeting for people in ADP (All invited)

  • 4/3 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.

  • 4/8 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 4/10 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Quick community service project kit.

  • 4/13 @ 9am-12pm: Spring Donaghy Day
    Location: Across Terre Haute
    Description: Monthly day of community service with multiple projects for students to volunteer for

  • 4/15 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Voting Table
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

    Location: DEDE 2
    Description: Celebration of “Earth Month” to raise awareness around issues that affect Mother Nature

  • 4/22 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Stop & Serve
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Register or pledge to Vote

  • 4/29 @5-6: ADP Celebration- Graduates, Awards
    Location: Tirey Hall
    Description: Final ADP general meeting and award ceremony


  • 5/1 @11-1: ADP Tabling: Pledge to Vote
    Location: HMSU
    Description: Pledge to Vote for the upcoming election

***ALL General Meetings will be held in the Tirey Hall Event Space on the main floor of the Center for Community Engagement.

***ALL Pizza & Politics Events will be held in DEDE I of the Hulman Memorial Student Union.

***ALL Voter Registration Tables will be held by the Fountain.

Voting Centers in Vigo County

Location Other Times 11-8 Time
Annex M-F Start 10-12 thru Mon 11-7 Noon; Sat 10-29 & 11-5 all 8:00 -4:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Haute City Center M-F Start 10-12 thru Fri 11-4; Sat 10-29 & 11-5 all 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Meadows Tu-Sat Start 11-1 thru 11-5 all 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Operating Engineers Tu-Sat Start 11-1 thru 11-5 all 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
V C Solid Waste Tu-Sat Start 11-1 thru 11-5 all 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
V C Public Safety Tu-Sat Start 11-1 thru 11-5 all 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
IBEW Tu-Sat Start 11-1 thru 11-5 all 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
National Guard Armory   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Pimento Firehouse   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Maryland Church   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
V C Public Library   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Booker T Washington   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
American Legion   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Plumbers & Steamfitters   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
New Goshen Firehouse   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sandcut Firehouse   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
ISU Student Union   6:00 AM - 6:00 PM

How Presidential Voting Works in the United States

Occuring once every four years, the U.S. presidential election routinely garners the most attention and highest voter turnout of all the various political elections. The process begins the spring before election year, when potential candidates declare their intention to run for the presidency. While numerous political parties exist, the presidential election cycle is dominated by the Democratic and Republican parties.

As defined by the Constitution, presidential candidates must be natural-born U.S. citizens who are at least 35 years old and have lived in the U.S. for a minimum 14 years prior to running for office. Presidents cannot serve for more than two four-year terms.

As their campaigns begin, candidates participate in debates to clarify their platforms and defend their positions against other candidates in their political party. From January to June of the election year, the political parties in each state hold primaries (which use secret ballots) and/or caucuses (which operate an open-floor style of voting) to decide their presidential nominees and the delegates who will represent them at the national conventions.

Over that summer, each political party holds its nominating convention, where the aforementioned delegates formally choose their presidential candidates. During this time, each nominee also selects their running mate. The teams then campaign in earnest until the general election, which takes place on the first Tuesday after November 1.

On Election Day, Americans vote for their preferred presidential candidate. However, the overall popular vote does not determine the next president. As established by the country's Founding Fathers, the Electoral College grants each state a number of electors equal to the membership (senators and representatives) of its congressional delegation. These electors cast the votes that ultimately determine who becomes president.

In most instances, the nominee who wins a state's popular vote receives all of that state's electoral votes. However, Nebraska and Maine eschew this winner-take-all method, opting to split electoral votes between congressional districts.

Because there are 538 electors in total, a presidential nominee needs 270 electoral votes to win by majority. With two political parties accruing the vast majority of electors, the nominee with the most electoral votes wins the presidency. Constitutional provisions exist for cases where no one candidate receives 270 electoral votes, but that is another story beyond the scope of this guide.


1. Check Voter Registration
  • a. Register in the County you want to vote in 30 days before election
  • b. If you have an Indiana Driver’s License, register here:
  • c. If you do not have an IN Driver’s License, you can still register in Vigo County!
2. Turn Out to Vote
  • a. If you want to vote by mail (absentee), you need to apply
  • b. If voting in person, bring state issued ID (your student ID counts)



Indiana State University has partnered with TurboVote to help make voting easy for students. This online tool helps students vote in every election- local, state and national- and is developed by Democracy Works.

Sign up today to receive election reminders, get registered to vote, & apply for your absentee ballot at

Terminology to know

  • Absentee Ballot: a ballot completed and typically mailed in advance of an election by a voter who is unable to be present at the polls.
  • Electoral College: (in the US) a body of people representing the states of the US, who formally cast votes for the election of the president and vice president. In the Electoral College system, each state gets a certain number of electors based on its total number of representatives in Congress. Each elector casts one electoral vote following the general election; there are a total of 538 electoral votes. The candidate that gets more than half (270) wins the election.
  • Primary Election: (in the US) a preliminary election to appoint delegates to a party conference or to select the candidates for a principal, especially presidential, election.
  • Midterm Election: The federal election for members of Congress held between presidential elections.
  • General Election: a regular election of candidates for office, as opposed to a primary election.
  • Caucus: A meeting held by members of a party to decide an issue. Most often, caucuses are statewide meetings held in presidential election years. Members of a party choose a candidate to support or they elect members to a state nominating committee.
  • District: A geographical area that an elected official serves or represents.
  • Election Official: A person appointed to:

    • Monitor the voting process at a polling place
    • Make sure voters follow state requirements
    • Certify an election was conducted legally
    • Give the official vote count
  • Impeachment: The process to remove a high-level government official.
  • Inauguration: A day of ceremony in which a newly elected official takes office. This usually involves a swearing-in ceremony, speeches, and celebrations. Inaugurations are typically held for presidents and vice presidents, mayors, and governors.
  • Nominee: The final candidate chosen by a party to represent them in an election.
  • Platform: A collection of beliefs, legislative goals, morals, and ideals. A political party's platform outlines its principles and plans to govern.
  • Political Party: A group whose intent is to govern and legislate in a specific way based on a chosen set of principles or platform.
  • Ticket: The group of candidates that a party is running in an election.
  • Term: The set length of time for someone to serve in an elected office. The president and vice president of the United States serve a four-year term. U.S. representatives serve two years and U.S. senators serve six years.
  • Voter Guide: Information about candidates and issues in an upcoming election. Guides can be published by political parties, organizations, or other groups. They may be non-partisan or may favor a particular party or viewpoint.
  • Incumbent: The person currently in a particular job or political office.


Join STATE for ADP!


We are a nonpartisan student organization that meets to have informal discussions about current politics, hosts events to engage and educate students about civics, and occasionally travels to places significant to American politics and history.

This is an entirely student-run operation that is an important partner in our project on campus.


We meet every Tuesday @ 5:00 PM in Tirey Hall 134A.

Join us on the TreeHouse to receive reminders!

*Food provided*


Contact the Center for Community Engagement at 812-237-2334 for events in Fall 2021



Other Ways to Get Involved

Host a Voter Registration Drive

We have a Voter Registration Guide for students and organizations that want to register people to vote. This guide provides important advice and insight into tabling. We also provide funding to student organizations that host events that promote civic engagement!

Political Campaigning on Campus

Does your student organization want to sponsor political engagement programming such as voter registration drives, a guest speaker, or a specific program? The American Democracy Project can assist student organization in funding for these programs. Contact Heather Miklozek, Community Engagement Director with questions


National Voter Registration Day 2020   National Voter Registration Day 2020   ADP




What is TurboVote?

TurboVote makes voting easy. Turbovote helps you prepare and have information you need to safely cast a ballot. Sign up today at to receive election reminders, registered to vote, and to apply for an absentee ballot!

Do you have to have an ID to vote in Indiana?

  • Yes, in Indiana you do have to have a state issued ID in order to vote. Your Student ID at Indiana State University will work as a valid form of ID.

Can I use a residence hall as an address to register to vote?

  • Yes, make sure you update it each year that you change addresses and that you use the address that is within the county you want to vote in.

Can I vote by mail?

• Yes, you can download an application on your state’s government website, just make sure you are mailing it with plenty of time to receive your ballot and mail it back. Many states require your ballot to be received by Election Day.

How do I find my polling place?

Is it too late to register to vote?

  • Voter Registration deadlines vary by state. Check your state government site for information on your specific state deadline.

I may already be registered but I don’t know. How do I know if I am registered to vote?

• Check your voter registration status by visiting your state government site or

I just moved to a new state. Can I register to vote in that state right now?

  • Residency rules vary by state. In some states, you may be eligible to register to vote in your new state immediately upon moving. In others, you may need to wait a certain number of days or be living in the state for a certain amount of days before you register to vote in the next election. A state cannot require you to live there for more than 30 days to register to vote. Check your states website for information on your state. If you just moved to Indiana, visit this website:

I live abroad. How do I register to Vote?

  • You should contact the Federal Voting Assistance Program. The website is They specialize in getting people in the armed forces and people living abroad registered to vote. The rules for people in the armed forces or abroad are different than for people living in the United States. The FVAP can also be reached by phone at (800) 438-VOTE.

I am a voter with a disability. Will my polling place be accessible and what options do I have to cast a ballot?

  • Every voter has the right to cast a private and independent ballot, including voters with disabilities. If you want to learn more about what your voting rights are or were denied the right to vote because of your disability, you can find your state’s National Disability Rights Network member agency.

Do I need to re-register if I’ve moved?

  • Yes, if you have changed your address, changed your name, or need to change your political party, you must re-register. Check out your state government site for requirements.

Can I register and vote if I don’t have a home address or am experiencing homelessness?

  • Yes! You’ll need to provide an address when you register to vote – this is used to assign your voting districts and to send any election mail. Homeless registrants can list a shelter address, or can include the address where they sleep most often, like a street corner or park address.

I won’t be around on Election Day. How can I get an absentee ballot?

  • You must be registered to vote to request an absentee ballot. The requirements for requesting an absentee ballot vary from state to state.

On Election Day, if I think my rights have been violated, what should I do?

  • Call (866) OUR-VOTE if you feel your rights have been violated. There will be lawyers on hand to answer Election Day questions and concerns about voting procedures.

How can I get more help if I am confused?

Should I Register in My Home State or in My College State?

  • If you go to college out of state, you can register to vote in either your home state or where you attend college, but you cannot be registered in both locations. If you decide to register in your home state, you will need to sign up for an absentee ballot or travel to your home state to vote. Absentee ballot regulations vary by state, so be sure to research your state's process. You have the right to vote in any state where you have a temporary or permanent residence.
  • Does Where I Register to Vote Affect My In-State or Out-of-State Tuition Status?
  • No, where you register to vote should not, in most cases, affect your in-state or out-of-state tuition status. Typically, your residency status is determined by multiple factors, including voter registration, motor vehicle registration, driver's license, and state income tax return filing. Where your parents live can also determine your tuition status, if they claim you as a dependent.

Does Where I Register to Vote Affect My Federal Financial Aid Package?

  • No, it does not!

Does Where I Register to Vote Affect My Scholarships?

  • There is a slight chance that where you are registered to vote could affect your eligibility for certain state and private scholarships and grants, if those resources are from organizations or agencies in your home state. Your school's financial aid office should be able to provide more specific information for your situation. In most cases, if your in-state or out-of-state residency does not change, your scholarships should not change either.

How Do I Vote if I Am Studying Abroad?

  • To vote from a foreign country, you will need to fill out a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), print and sign the application, and then mail it to your local election office in your state of residency. With a processed FPCA, you will receive a blank ballot (usually via email or fax) during election season, which you must mail to your local election office before Election Day to cast your vote.

This process may seem daunting, but there are a number of resources available to guide you. Additionally, many voting offices allow you to check the status of your absentee voter registration online.

If I Register to Vote in Another State, Can My Parents Still Claim Me on Their Taxes?

  • Yes; where you vote will not impact your dependency status. Usually the IRS will consider you a dependent if your parents are paying for more than half of your expenses per year.

Do I Have to Change My Driver's License if I Register to Vote in a Different State?

  • Not necessarily -- but if the address on your license doesn't match the state where you're registered to vote, you may need to present an official document with your name and current address on it at your polling location. In most states, this document can be a utility bill or paycheck with your current address on it.

Can I Register to Vote in Both My Home State and My College State?

  • No, you do not have the right to vote in more than one location. In fact, it's a felony -- and considered voter fraud -- to register to vote in multiple locales.

What Are the Requirements to Vote?

  • The requirements for voting in local and federal elections vary by state, so students should check with their state election office to learn more. However, most states have similar requirements. For example, all states except North Dakota require individuals to register to vote, and every state allows absentee voting.

All voters must be at least 18 years of age, although some states allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary elections if their birthday falls before the general election. All voters must be U.S. citizens.

How Do You Get an Absentee Ballot to Vote?

  • States set specific rules about absentee ballots and who is allowed to use them. According to, most states require absentee voters to visit the office or website of their state/territorial election agency to request the document. Absentee ballots are typically delivered by mail or fax. Students should request absentee ballots early to ensure delivery, as election offices are busy in the weeks prior to Election Day.

How Long Must You Live in a State to Be Able to Register to Vote There?

  • Rules about length of residency are set by individual states. For example, according to, 17 states require voters to have lived in their voting precincts for at least 30 days prior to the upcoming election. If an election is taking place soon after you move to a new state, you may want to stay registered in your home state for that election.

Does Indiana register party affilations?

Indiana law does not permit a person to indicate their party affiliation, if any. 

Once I register to vote, am I registered for life?

  • Yes, voters who never move and regularly participate in elections remain registered. 

I've requested an absentee ballot in the past, is my application still on file?

  • No, you must request an application to vote by mail or confined board for each election.

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